"..Ultimate Frisbee combines speed, grace and powerful hurling with a grueling pace."
- The Wall Street Journal
What is Ultimate Frisbee?
Ultimate is an exciting, non-contact team sport, played by thousands, all over the world.
It mixes the best features of sports such as Soccer, Basketball & American Football into an elegantly simple yet fascinating and demanding game.
To compete at the top level, Ultimate players require an unmatched degree of speed, stamina and agility.

Ultimate is played by thousands in over 50 countries and is expanding at a phenomenal rate.
Regular competition takes place at a local, national and international level.
This type of competition usually takes the form of tournaments lasting anywhere between 2 and 5 days.
To win any Ultimate Frisbee Tournament the standard of fitness and stamina required is very high indeed.
Teams may play up to eight games over the course of a two day tournament, with each of these games lasting in excess of 75 minutes.
Ultimate Frisbee is quite a new sport in 1stJB Company.
So come and join us after Sunday RC Service
On 12pm - 3pm at Skudai Field.
You will discover the fun in Ultimate Frisbee!

By NCOs Council, 1stJB BB