
- Friendster is update! -

Our Friendster is updated!
Please take a look and leave comments there

If you have a Friendster account
Add platoonaadmin@gmail.com also

We will update more picture on Friendster!


- Announcement -

To all the squad leaders,

Please ask your recruits prepare the money for the uniform,
Pass it to Cpl Lim Hui Chin.
And who still want to buy BB T-shirt,
Pass the money to Cpl Lim Hui Chin too.

For those recruits who haven't do their uniform,
and they are interest to buy 2nd hand uniform
Please contact Cpl Lim Li Chin
The price is between RM40-RM60

For this Saturday information:
- Recruits have target singing test
- Seniors have physical training and sportsman class
- Wear casual
- Distribute BB Month Cards

Squad leader please take note,
For those recruits who didn't come for this Saturday parade,
We will straight away delete their name.


- Information -

- Parade at BB Hut
- Start at 3.00pm
- Wear red colour BB T-shirt
- only for seniors