Around 6.30 p.m ,we all gathered at the playground eargerly waited for the program to start. The program was lead by L/CPL Peggy Tan and she was so happy to see so many members came to join the gathering. The program started off with dinner, simple yet yummy food consists of some curry, nuggets, sausages and much more.
Of course never missed the moon cakes!
After filling our stomach, we had some outdoor games for our fellowship. For each game we injected punishment for the loser which one of it was the loser had to shout out what the members wanted him/her to shout.
All of us enjoyed the party and the fellowship under the romantic full moon hanging on the sky!
Around 9.00 p.m, the program was over. After cleaning, we went back to our home happily. Hopefully the party will goes on every year.
Food preparing before party start.
We need to thanks all the parents who help us prepare all the foods are given. Thanks!
Cpl Onn Ying Shian was leading the prayer before the party start.
Old members fellowship. =)
Cpl Tee Zi Xuan blow the bubbles!
Games 2
Ah Bong is going crazy. =P
We will upload more pictures on Platoon A Friendster later!