On 21st - 22 nd February 2009, we were organize freshman camp to recruits.
our policeman...

The programme start at 0900 for register
After the city expetition, we back school and rest.
At 0430 we play The Emperor's New Clothes.
Preparing for the Emperor.
After that, at 1000 we give recruits learnt some simple drill for one hour.
Then, 1100 we start briefing them and ice breaking let them play bomb to let them know each other by group.
After briefing them , we start our first programme. It is city expetition.
each group have each "little angle"
And after ate 5 food want to back school to take "mi jiao" and want to play game to take it.
each group have each "little angle"
And after ate 5 food want to back school to take "mi jiao" and want to play game to take it.
After the city expetition, we back school and rest.
At 0430 we play The Emperor's New Clothes.
Preparing for the Emperor.
The Emperor....
The games start.......
because that day rain.so we use ruang rega to play...it is very funny...
because that day rain.so we use ruang rega to play...it is very funny...
time out...
the winner emperor!!!!
Our dinner is BBQ ,mihun and curry...
Preparing BBQ....
taking food.....
After had our lunch, we had game time...the recruits were enjoyed the game..
After these were free time to them.
At 1000 pm we had supper to them.
After these was their sweet dream....
Second day....
0645 wake up and do morning exercise..
and the rest of the committee were prepare the breakfast.
After is wash up to them...
Then we had life game to them..
our policeman...
the photo of life game...
The champion group is....
The group photo...
The End~~
Good Job committee...Hope the committee can do more interesting activities to recruits...